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myrrh Summary and Overview

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myrrh in Easton's Bible Dictionary

Heb. mor. (1.) First mentioned as a principal ingredient in the holy anointing oil (Ex. 30:23). It formed part of the gifts brought by the wise men from the east, who came to worship the infant Jesus (Matt. 2:11). It was used in embalming (John 19:39), also as a perfume (Esther 2:12; Ps. 45:8; Prov. 7:17). It was a custom of the Jews to give those who were condemned to death by crucifixion "wine mingled with myrrh" to produce insensibility. This drugged wine was probably partaken of by the two malefactors, but when the Roman soldiers pressed it upon Jesus "he received it not" (Mark 15:23). (See GALL T0001419.) This was the gum or viscid white liquid which flows from a tree resembling the acacia, found in Africa and Arabia, the Balsamodendron myrrha of botanists. The "bundle of myrrh" in Cant. 1:13 is rather a "bag" of myrrh or a scent-bag. (2.) Another word "lot" is also translated "myrrh" (Gen. 37:25; 43:11; R.V., marg., "or ladanum"). What was meant by this word is uncertain. It has been thought to be the chestnut, mastich, stacte, balsam, turpentine, pistachio nut, or the lotus. It is probably correctly rendered by the Latin word ladanum, the Arabic ladan, an aromatic juice of a shrub called the Cistus or rock rose, which has the same qualities, though in a slight degree, of opium, whence a decoction of opium is called laudanum. This plant was indigenous to Syria and Arabia.

myrrh in Smith's Bible Dictionary

This substance is mentioned in #Ex 30:23| as one of the ingredients of the "oil of holy ointment:" in #Es 2:12| as one of the substances used in the purification of women; in #Ps 45:8, Pr 7:17| and in several passages in Canticles, as a perfume. The Greek occurs in #Mt 2:11| among the gifts brought by the wise men to the infant Jesus and in #Mr 15:23| it is said that "wine mingled with myrrh" was offered to but refused by, our Lord on the cross. Myrrh was also used for embalming. See John 19;39 and Herod. ii. 86. The Balsamodendron myrrha, which produces the myrrh of commerce, has a wood and bark which emit a strong odor; the gum which exudes from the bark is at first oily, but becomes hard by exposure to the air. (This myrrh is in small yellowish or white globules or tears. The tree is small, with a stunted trunk, covered with light-gray bark, It is found in Arabia Felix. The myrrh of #Ge 37:25| was probably ladalzum, a highly-fragrant resin and volatile oil used as a cosmetic, and stimulative as a medicine. It is yielded by the cistus, known in Europe as the rock rose, a shrub with rose-colored flowers, growing in Israel and along the shores of the Mediterranean. --ED.) For wine mingled with myrrh see GALL.

myrrh in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

MYRRH , a gum, the thickened sap of a low thorny tree (Balsamodendron opsobalsamum) which grows chiefly in Arabia. Myrrh is sold for medical purposes in small globules of a white or yellow color, of a strong and agreeable smell, but a bitter taste. It was an ingredient of the holy ointment, Ex 30:23, and of the embalming substance. Myrrh. (Balsamodendron. After Dr. Birdwood.) John 19:89. It was also used as an agreeable perfume, Esth 2:12; Ps 45:8; Prov 7:17, and a valuable gift. Matt 2:1,Rev 1:11. In Matt 27:34 it is said that they gave Jesus to drink vinegar mixed with gall, which, in Mark 15:23, is called wine mingled with myrrh. It was probably the sour wine which the Roman soldiers used to drink mingled with myrrh and other bitter substances, very much like the bitters of modern times. The myrrh of Gen 37:25; Gen 43:11 represents a different Hebrew word, and, being brought from Palestine or Gilead, was doubtless another substance - probably Gum ladanum, obtained from the cistus, a shrubby plant growing in those districts. This gum is sold in dark-colored, soft masses, of a more agreeable odor than opium, and possessing similar, though weaker, medical properties, for which it was valued.

myrrh in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Hebrew mor from maarar "to drop," and lot. An ingredient of the holy anointing oil (Exodus 30:23), typical of Messiah's graces (Psalm 45:8) as well as the church's through Him (Song of Solomon). In Song of Solomon 1:13 translated "a scent box of myrrh." The mowr is the Balsamodendron myrrha, which yields myrrh, of the order Terebinth aceae. The stunted trunk has a light gray odorous bark. It grew in Arabia around Saba; the gum resin exudes in drops which harden on the bark, and the flow is increased by incision into the tree. It is a transparent, brown, brittle, odorous substance, with bitter taste. The "wine mingled with myrrh," offered to but rejected by Jesus on the cross, was embittered by it. As it stupefies the senses He would not have that which mitigates death's horrors, but would meet it in full consciousness. It was one of the three offerings of the wise men (Matthew 2:11). Nicodemus brought it to embalm His sacred body (John 19:39). Bal is its Egyptian name, bol the Sanskrit and Hindu. Lot is not strictly myrrh but ladanum, the resinous exudation of the Cistus ("rock rose") Creticus, growing in Gilead where no myrrh grew, and exported into Egypt (Genesis 37:25; Genesis 43:11). "Odorous, rather green, easy to soften, fat, produced in Cyprus" (Dioscorides i. 128); abounding still in Candia (Crete), where they gather it by passing over it an instrument composed of many parallel leather thongs, to which its gum adheres.