Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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malchijah Summary and Overview

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malchijah in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

MALCHI'JAH (Jehovah's king). 1. The same as Malchiah, 5. 2. A priest, chief of the fifth course in the reign of David. 1 Chr 24:9. 3. One who had taken a foreign wife. Ezr 10:25. 4. One who assisted in repairing the walls of Jerusalem, Neh 3:11; the same as Malchiah in Ezr 10:31. 5. One who took part in the dedication of the walls of Jerusalem. Neh 12:42.

malchijah in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

1. (See MALCHIAH.) 1 Chronicles 24:9. 2. Nehemiah 12:42.