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ludim Summary and Overview

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ludim in Easton's Bible Dictionary

probably the same as Lud (2) (compare Gen. 10:13; 1 Chr. 1:11). They are associated (Jer. 46:9) with African nations as mercenaries of the king of Egypt.

ludim in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(strife), #Ge 10:13; 1Ch 1:11| a Mizraite people or tribe descended from Ludim the son of Mizraim; also called Lydians. It is probable that the Ludim were settled to the west of Egypt, perhaps farther than any other Mizraite tribe. Lud and the Ludim are mentioned in four passages of the prophets -- #Isa 66:19; Jer 46:9; Eze 27:10; 38:5| There call be no doubt that but one nation is intended in these passages, and it seems that the preponderance of evidence is in favor of the Mizaraite Ludim.

ludim in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

LU'DIM , son of Mizraim, whose posterity, also called Lydians, Jer 46:9, settled on the continent of Africa, as we infer from the connection in which they and their country are mentioned, Isa 66:19; Eze 27:10; Eze 30:5; Gen 10:13. Their precise location is unknown.

ludim in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Genesis 10:13. From Mizraim; therefore not the same as Lud, who was Semitic (Isaiah 66:19), but Hamitic. (See LUD.) The Egyptian "Retu," the old inhabitants of central Egypt. They are Africans evidently in Jeremiah 46:9; Ezekiel 30:4-5; near Phut or Nubia: "the Libyans (Phut) that handle the shield, and the Lydians that handle and bend the bow"; the foot was pressed on the center, and the hands held the two ends, so "handle and bend" are both said. The Egyptian monuments confirm Scripture accuracy. The Rebu appear with small round shields, and the Ludim being Africans naturally excel in archery, for which Africa was famous.