Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

kindred Summary and Overview

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kindred in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

KIN'DRED , in the O.T. the translation of the terms signifying -- (1) "clan," persons belonging to a common stock. Gen 12:1; Gen 24:4, Job 24:7, Gen 24:38, Gen 24:40-41; (2) "birth," and so "offspring," as Gen 31:3; Gen 43:7; Esth 8:6; (3) "knowledge," one known by relationship, Ruth 3:2; (4) "redemption," from the duty of a near relation to redeem, Eze 11:15; comp. Ruth 4:6; (5) "brother," 1 Chron 12:29; (6) the immediate family. Gen 10:31. In the N.T. it is used of (1) relatives by birth, Luke 1:61; Acts 7:13; (2) family in the larger sense. Acts 4:6; Acts 7:13,Acts 7:19; (3) tribe. Rev 5:9; Lev 14:6; (4) descendants in a direct line. Acts 3:25. In the same way are used "kinsfolk," "man," "woman."