Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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jesiah Summary and Overview

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jesiah in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(whom Jehovah lends). 1. A Korhite, one of the mighty men who joined David's standard at Ziklag. #1Ch 12:6| (B.C. 1055.) 2. The second son of Uzziel, the son of Kohath. #1Ch 23:20|

jesiah in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

JESI'AH (whom Jehovah lends). 1. A Korhite, one of David's mighty men who came to him in Ziklag. 1 Chr 12:6. 2. A Levite, same as Jeshaiah of 1 Chr 26:25; 1 Chr 23:20.

jesiah in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

1. 1 Chronicles, 12:1,6. 2. connection with her and Joab, Abishai and Asahel, and Zeruiah.) His own name is immortalized, probably because of his faith in the coming Messiah, "the rod out of the stem (stump) of Jesse" even long after David had eclipsed him (Isaiah 11:1,10), expressing the depressed state of David's royal line when Messiah was to be born of it (Luke 2). JESUI Numbers 26:44,63; ISUI Genesis 46:17; I SHUAI 1 Chronicles 7:30.