Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

jesharelah Summary and Overview

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jesharelah in Easton's Bible Dictionary

upright towards God, the head of the seventh division of Levitical musicians (1 Chr. 25:14).

jesharelah in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(right before God), son of Asaph, and head of the seventh of the twenty-four wards into which the musicians of the Levites were divided. #1Ch 25:14| [ASARELAH] (B.C. 1014).

jesharelah in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

JESHAR'ELAH (right toward God), the head of the seventh division of the Levite musicians. 1 Chr 25:14. In 1 Chr 25:2 he is called Asarelah.

jesharelah in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

or A SARELAH . 1 Chronicles 25:2,14.