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jehudi Summary and Overview

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jehudi in Easton's Bible Dictionary

a Jew, son of Nethaniah. He was sent by the princes to invite Baruch to read Jeremiah's roll to them (Jer. 36:14, 21).

jehudi in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(a Jew), son of Nethaniah, a man employed by the princes of Jehoiakim's court to fetch Baruch to read Jeremiah's denunciation, #Jer 36:14| and then by the king to fetch the volume itself and read it to him. vs. #Jer 36:21,23| (B.C. 605.)

jehudi in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

JEHU'DI (a Jew), one mentioned in Jer 36:14, 2 Chr 11:21, Heb 12:23 as being sent by the princes to tell Baruch to fetch the roll of Jeremiah's prophecies, and who, at the king's order, brought it and read it before him.

jehudi in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

The princes' ready tool in fetching Baruch to read Jeremiah's (Jeremiah 36:14,21,23) denunciations; then employed by see JEHOIAKIM to bring and read the roll, which the king cut and burned.