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jehosheba Summary and Overview

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jehosheba in Easton's Bible Dictionary

Jehovah-swearing, the daughter of Jehoram, the king of Israel. She is called Jehoshabeath in 2 Chr. 22:11. She was the only princess of the royal house who was married to a high priest, Jehoiada (2 Chr. 22:11).

jehosheba in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Jehovah's oath), daughter of Joram king of Israel, and wife of jehoiada the high priest. #2Ki 11:2| Her name in the Chronicles is given JEHOSHABEATH. (B.C. 882.) As she is called, #2Ki 11:2| "the daughter of Joram, sister of Ahaziah," it has been conjectured that she was the daughter, not of Athaliah, but of Joram by another wife. She is the only recorded instance of the marriage of a princess of the royal house with a high priest.

jehosheba in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

JEHOSH'EBA (her oath is Jehovah), the wife of Jehoiada, the high priest, daughter of King Jehoram, but, it has been conjectured, not by Athaliah; if so, half-sister to Ahaziah. 2 Kgs 11:2-3; 2 Chr 22:11. When Athaliah attempted the entire destruction of the seed royal Jehosheba saved her infant nephew, Joash, and for six years, doubtless with the connivance of Jehoiada, he was hid in the temple.