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jaddua Summary and Overview

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jaddua in Easton's Bible Dictionary

known. (1.) One of the chiefs who subscribed the covenant (Neh. 10:21). (2.) The last high priest mentioned in the Old Testament (Neh. 12:11, 22), sons of Jonathan.

jaddua in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(known). 1. Son and successor in the high priesthood of Jonathan or Johanan. He is the last of the high priests mentioned in the Old Testament, and probably altogether the latest name in the canon. #Ne 12:11,22| (B.C. 406-332.) 2. One of the chief of the people who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah. #Ne 10:21| (B.C. 410.)

jaddua in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

JADDU'A (known). 1. One who sealed the covenant. Neh 10:21. 2. The son of Jonathan, high priest of the Jews, who officiated a considerable time after the Captivity, and who is believed to be the same who lived in the time of Alexander the Great "by those who maintain that the list, Neh 12:11, of high priests from Joshua to Jaddua, or from b.c. 538-b.c. 336, cannot, in its present shape, have proceeded from Nehemiah's hand, or from that of a contemporary." -Bible (Speaker's) Commentary. He is the last of the high priests mentioned in the O.T.

jaddua in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

1. Successor of Jonathan or Johanan in the high priesthood. The last high priest and the latest name in Old Testament, supposing 1 Chronicles 3:22-24 corrupt. In the reign of the last Persian king Darius and of see ALEXANDER ; when he invaded Judea Jaddua is said to have gone out in priestly robes to meet Alexander, and to have implored his goodwill toward the Jews (Josephus, Ant. 11:8, section 7; Nehemiah 12:11,22). The phrase "Darius the Persian" implies that the Grecian dynasty of Alexander the Great had begun. 2. Nehemiah 10:21.