Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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husbandman Summary and Overview

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husbandman in Easton's Bible Dictionary

one whose business it is to cultivate the ground. It was one of the first occupations, and was esteemed most honourable (Gen. 9:20; 26:12, 14; 37:7, etc.). All the Hebrews, except those engaged in religious services, were husbandmen. (See AGRICULTURE T0000124.)

husbandman in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

HUS'BANDMAN , one whose profession and labor is to cultivate the ground, John 15:1. It is among the most ancient and honorable occupations. Gen 9:20; Isa 28:24-28. Our Lord used the term in parables and elsewhere figuratively to designate God's relation of Disposer and Guardian of human affairs and destiny. See Agriculture.