Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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hazar-addar Summary and Overview

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hazar-addar in Easton's Bible Dictionary

village of Addar, a place in the southern boundary of Israel (Num. 34:4), in the desert to the west of Kadesh-barnea. It is called Adar in Josh. 15:3.

hazar-addar in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

HA'ZAR-AD'DAR (village of Adar, or greatness), called Adar in Josh 15:3; to the west of Kadesh-barnea, and on a ridge between Canaan and the desert; now 'Ain el-Kudeirat.

hazar-addar in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Between Kadesh Barnea and Azmon (Numbers 34:4). A landmark on the southern boundary of the Promised Land.