Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

ephrain Summary and Overview

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ephrain in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

E'PHRAIN (Hebrew, Ephron, two fawns), one of the places taken from Israel by Judah, 2 Chr 13:19; perhaps Ophrah is meant, though some think it is the same as the "city called Ephraim" to which Jesus retired. John 11:54. This was in the wilderness, perhaps at el-Taiyibeh, about 5 miles north-east of Bethel.

ephrain in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

A city of Israel which, with its dependent villages, Abijah and the men of Judah took from Jeroboam (2 Chronicles 13:19). Possibly = Ephraim city above; also = EPHRON, MOUNT, on the northern bound of Judah (Joshua 15:9).