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eat Summary and Overview

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eat in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

EAT or EAT'ING The Hebrews were scrupulous about eating and drinking with those of another religion or another nationality. They would not eat with the Egyptians, any more than the Egyptians would with them, Gen 43:32, nor with the Samaritans, John 4:9, nor with "publicans and sinners," Matt 9:11,and the refusal to eat with one implied an entire separation. 1 Cor 5:11. Anciently, the Jews sat at table; but when they encountered the practice of reclining upon couches during meals, resting the body on the left elbow and using chiefly the right hand, they appear to have adopted it. This peculiar position makes the scene described in Luke 7:36-50 perfectly natural, and also shows how one of the guests could repose his head on another's bosom. Bomau Triclinium, illustrating Jewish Method of Eating. John 13:23. Women were never present at Jewish meals as guests. The Jews, in O.T. times, appear to have taken their principal meal at night, after the heat of the day was over. This, to be sure, is largely conjecture, since we have no detailed information given us in the Bible. See Ruth 3:7; Ex 16:12; Ex 18:12-13. The institution of the paschal feast in the evening likewise helps to confirm the opinion. Ex 12:6, 1 Sam 30:18. They made their other meal in the morning. In N.T. times they did not ordinarily breakfast until 9 o'clock, Acts 2:15, and on the Sabbath, as Josephus says, not before noon, because not till then was the service of the synagogue completed. In the evening the more substantial meal took place. In general, the Jews led the simple, abstemious life of the modern Oriental, eating the fruits of the earth in the morning, and meat only once a day, if at all. But besides this occasional reference to the ordinary life of the Jews, the Bible contains notices of numerous feasts in honor of all the events which broke the monotony of their existence. Leaving out of account the religious festivals and the formal banquets at the ratification of treaties and on other public occasions, we read of feasts given at marriages, Gen 29:22; Jud 14:10, etc., on birthdays, Gen 40:20; Job 1:4, etc., burials, 2 Sam 3:35; Jer 16:7, sheep-shearing, 1 Sam 25:2, Eze 23:36; 2 Sam 13:23, and at other times. According to the means of the host, an elaborate meal was prepared. The guests were formally invited, and when the day came they were invited a second time. Prov 9:23; Matt 22:3. The guests were received with a kiss, their feet and hands were washed, their person was perfumed with ointment. Luke 7:44-46. The parable of the Man without the Wedding-garment has led to the conjecture that it was customary, or at least usual, in certain cases for the host to provide robes. Matt 22:12. The present mode of eating among Eastern nations illustrates some passages of the N.T. In Syria the guests use their fingers, a knife, spoon, and plate being used only by foreigners, and that as a special privilege. The bread, which is very thin, is dipped in the vegetable soup; and if there is a dainty morsel on the table, the master of the house takes it in his fingers and presents it to the mouth of his guest. From Matt 26:23 we presume that Judas was near enough to our Lord to use the same dish and receive the sop from our Lord's hand, according to the custom above described. John 13:26-27. See Feast. To eat a meal together is regarded in the East as a pledge of mutual confidence and friendship; hence the force of the expression Ps 41:9. The expression John 6:53-58 is evidently metaphorical. "Eating and drinking " here means believing, or appropriating the life of our Lord by faith. He is the Bread of life for our souls.