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dimon Summary and Overview

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dimon in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(river bed), The waters of, some streams on the east of the Dead Sea, in the land of Moab, against which Isaiah uttered denunciation. #Isa 15:9| Gesenius conjectures that the two names Dimon and Dibon are the same.

dimon in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

DI'MON , WA'TERS OF. Isa 15:9. See Dibon, 1.

dimon in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

(di' mawn) Place name perhaps meaning, "blood." City in Moab on which Isaiah announced judgment (Isaiah 15:9). Dead Sea Scrolls text and Latin Vulgate read "Dibon" here. This may be the original reading, but that would go against the normal type of copying mistakes scribes make in that it would substitute an unknown place for a famous place. It may be that transcription of a Moabite name into the Hebrew language or the development of the language resulted in a change of pronunciation, so that the two names represent one place. If Dimon is a separate town, it was probably located at modern khirbet Dimme, about seven miles north of Kerak. Jeremiah 48:2 calls a Moabite town, "Madmen." The Hebrew word, madmen, may involve a play on words referring to Dimon.