Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

condemnation Summary and Overview

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condemnation in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

CONDEMNA'TION The term refers to the sentence pronounced upon an adjudged criminal. In the sight of God the race lies under condemnation because of Adam's inherited sin and their actual transgressions. Rom 5:16, 1 Sam 30:18. The law which convicts men of sin is called the "ministration of condemnation." 2 Cor 3:7, Gal 1:9. But the gospel announces deliverance from sin. John 3:18. Therefore it is truly "good tidings of great joy." Luke 2:10. By faith in Christ are we delivered from condemnation, and are brought into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Rom 8:21.