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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

bag Summary and Overview

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bag in Easton's Bible Dictionary

(1.) A pocket of a cone-like shape in which Naaman bound two pieces of silver for Gehazi (2 Kings 5:23). The same Hebrew word occurs elsewhere only in Isa. 3:22, where it is rendered "crisping-pins," but denotes the reticules (or as R.V., "satchels") carried by Hebrew women. (2.) Another word (kees) so rendered means a bag for carrying weights (Deut. 25:13; Prov. 16:11; Micah 6:11). It also denotes a purse (Prov. 1:14) and a cup (23:31). (3.) Another word rendered "bag" in 1 Sam. 17:40 is rendered "sack" in Gen. 42:25; and in 1 Sam. 9:7; 21:5 "vessel," or wallet for carrying food. (4.) The word rendered in the Authorized Version "bags," in which the priests bound up the money contributed for the restoration of the temple (2 Kings 12:10), is also rendered "bundle" (Gen. 42:35; 1 Sam. 25:29). It denotes bags used by travellers for carrying money during a journey (Prov. 7:20; Hag. 1:6). (5.) The "bag" of Judas was a small box (John 12:6; 13:29).

bag in Smith's Bible Dictionary

is the rendering of several words in the Old and New Testaments. 1. Charitim, the "bags" in which Naaman bound up the two talents of silver for Gehazi. #2Ki 5:23| They were long cone-like bags of the size to hold a precise amount of money, and tied or sealed for that amount, as we stamp the value on a coin. 2. Cis, a bag for carrying weights, #De 25:13| also used as a purse #Pr 1:14| 3. Celi, in #Ge 42:25| is the "sack" in which Jacob's sons carried the corn which they brought from Egypt. 4. The shepherd's "bag" used by David was for the purpose of carrying the lambs unable to walk. #Zec 11:15, 16:5| 5. Tschar, properly a "bundle," #Ge 42:35| appears to have been used by travellers for carrying money during a long journey. #Pr 7:20| 6. The "bag" which Judas carried was probably a small box or chest. #Joh 12:6; 13:29|

bag in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

BAG , the English translation of several quite different words. When used in connection with money, it means the long cone-like receptacles in which coin was packed. 2 Kgs 12:10. These were made of various sizes, each to contain a precise amount of money. We read that the workmen on the temple were paid in bags, which were probably delivered to them sealed. At this day in Eastern nations money passes in bags from hand to hand under the seal of a banker or other public officer, and without counting, as it is paid by one Egyptian Money-bags. (After Wilkinson.) to another. If the seal is genuine and unbroken, the exact value of each bag is known at sight. The shepherd's "bag" which David had was probably one in which the young lambs unable to walk were carried. The "bag" of Judas was probably a little box, John 12:6; John 13:29.