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attalia Summary and Overview

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attalia in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(from Attalus), a coast-town of Pamphylia, mentioned #Ac 14:25| It was built by Attalus Philadelphus, king of Pergamos, and named after the monarch. All its remains are characteristic of the date of its foundation. Leake fixes Attalia at Adalia, on the south court of Asia Minor, north of the Duden Su, the ancient Catarrhactes.

attalia in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

ATTALI'A a seaport-town of Pamphylia, Acts 14:25, named from its founder, Attalus; later it was called Satalia, and now Adalia.

attalia in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

(Acts 14:25.) Whence Paul and Barnabas sailed, on returning from their missionary tour inland to Antioch. The city was founded by and named from Attalus Philadelphus, king of Pergamus, as a port at the mouth of the river Catarrhactes, for the commerce of Egypt and Syria, as Troas was for that of the AEgean. Its modern name is Satalia.