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assyrian captivity Summary and Overview

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assyrian captivity in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

THE ASS'YR'IAN CAP'TIV'ITY Pul, b.c. 762, and then Tiglath-pileser, b.c. 740, kings of Assyria, made war upon the kingdom of Israel and carried a large number of the people (chiefly those of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh) into captivity, 2 Kgs 15:29; 1 Chr 5:26, and the residue remained under their own king, but paid tribute to the Prisoners before Sargon. (Nineveh Marbles.) Assyrian government. After the lapse of 20 years this tribute was refused, and therefore Shalmaneser besieged and (after three years) Sargon captured Samaria, the capital of the kingdom, and the great mass of the people were transported to provinces beyond the Euphrates, b.c. 721. Their fate is a frequent subject of speculation, but nothing definite can be determined.