Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

armlet Summary and Overview

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armlet in Smith's Bible Dictionary

an ornament universal in the East, especially among women; used by princes as one of the insignia of royalty, and by distinguished persons in general. The word is not used in the Authorized Version, as even in #2Sa 1:10| it is rendered by "the bracelet on his arm."

armlet in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

(bracelet) Hebrew; a "fetter", from a root, "a step" (Isaiah 3:18-20). (See ANKLET.) A general ornament in the E. A badge of kings (2 Samuel 1:10). The signet was sometimes a jewel on the armlet; which explains, "Set me as a seal upon thine arm" (Song of Solomon 8:6). Their weight (compare Genesis 24:22), and their tightness on the arm (so that in putting them on blood is often drawn) make their female wearers pay dearly for their love of admiration.