Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

achor Summary and Overview

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achor in Easton's Bible Dictionary

trouble, a valley near Jericho, so called in consequence of the trouble which the sin of Achan caused Israel (Josh. 7:24,26). The expression "valley of Achor" probably became proverbial for that which caused trouble, and when Isaiah (Isa. 65:10) refers to it he uses it in this sense: "The valley of Achor, a place for herds to lie down in;" i.e., that which had been a source of calamity would become a source of blessing. Hosea also (Hos. 2:15) uses the expression in the same sense: "The valley of Achor for a door of hope;" i.e., trouble would be turned into joy, despair into hope. This valley has been identified with the Wady Kelt.

achor in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

On the northern boundary of Judah (Joshua 15:7). (See ACHAN.)