1. Shaphan the scribe's son, Michaiah's father. From his chamber in the Lord's house Baruch read Jeremiah's threatening prophecy in the people's hearing (Jeremiah 36). Michaiah reported it, anti Baruch being summoned read it again before the princes seated in council in the scribe's chamber in the king's house. Gemariah, as the other princes, was "afraid" thereat, and said, "We will surely tell the king of all these words" (not a threat, but implying that so momentous a prophecy ought to be told the king). Gemariah had some fear of God and moral courage, for he, with Elnathan and Delaiah, interceded with king Jehoiakim not to burn the roll; but he would not hear them.
2. Son of Hilkiah, the high priest who found the book of the law in the Lord's house, and showed it to Shaphan (2 Kings 22:8); sent by king Zedekiah on an embassy to Nebuchadnezzar; entrusted by Jeremiah with a letter to the captives in Babylon. Inheriting from his father, like the former Gemariah, some regard for sacred things (Jeremiah 29:1-3).
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