Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
Bible History
Picture Study Bible with Maps and Background Information

Matthew 15:11 "Not what enters into the mouth defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man."

< Matthew 15:10
Matthew 15:12 >

      11. Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man--This is expressed even more emphatically in Mark (Mr 7:15, 16), and it is there added, "If any man have ears to hear, let him hear." As in Mt 13:9, this so oft-repeated saying seems designed to call attention to the fundamental and universal character of the truth it refers to.


Questions Related to this Verse

Where in Scripture does it talk about The commandments of men?

Where in Scripture does it mention God's warning toward false teachers?

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Matthew 15 Images and Notes

Brief Summary: In this chapter, we have our Lord Jesus, as the great Prophet teaching, as the great Physician healing, and as the great Shepherd of the sheep feeding; as the Father of spirits instructing them; as the Conqueror of Satan dispossessing him; and as concerned for the bodies of his people, providing for them. Here is, I. Christ's discourse with the scribes and Pharisees about human traditions and injunctions (v. 1-9). II. His discourse with the multitude, and with his disciples, concerning the things that defile a man (v. 10-20). III. His casting of the devil out of the woman of Canaan's daughter (v. 21-28). IV. His healing of all that were brought to him (v. 29-31). V. His feeding of four thousand men, with seven loaves and a few little fishes (v. 32-30).

Jesus discourses about human traditions. (1-9)
He warns against things which really defile. (10-20)
He heals the daughter of a Syrophenician woman. (21-28)
Jesus heals the sick, and miraculously feeds four thousand. (29-39)

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Painted sketch of Eastern Orientals Washing Hands

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