Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
Bible History
Picture Study Bible with Maps and Background Information

Exodus 33:5 For the LORD had said to Moses, "Say to the sons of Israel, 'You are an obstinate people; should I go up in your midst for one moment, I would destroy you. Now therefore, put off your ornaments from you, that I may know what I will do with you.'"

< Exodus 33:4
Exodus 33:6 >

      5. put off thy ornaments--In seasons of mourning, it is customary with Eastern people to lay aside all gewgaws and divest themselves of their jewels, their gold, and every thing rich and splendid in their dress. This token of their sorrow the Lord required of His offending people.
      that I may know what to do unto thee--The language is accommodated to the feeble apprehensions of men. God judges the state of the heart by the tenor of the conduct. In the case of the Israelites, He cherished a design of mercy; and the moment He discerned the first symptoms of contrition, by their stripping off their ornaments, as penitents conscious of their error and sincerely sorrowful, this fact added its weight to the fervency of Moses' prayers, and gave them prevalence with God in behalf of the people.


Questions Related to this Verse

Where in Scripture does it mention The anger of God?

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Exodus 33 Images and Notes

Brief Summary: In this chapter we have a further account of the mediation of Moses between God and Israel, for the making up of the breach that sin had made between them. I. He brings a very humbling message from God to them (v. 1-3, v. 5), which has a good effect upon them, and helps to prepare them for mercy (v. 4, v. 6). II. He settles a correspondence between God and them, and both God and the people signify their approbation of that correspondence, God by descending in a cloudy pillar, and the people by worshipping at the tent doors (v. 7-11). III. He is earnest with God in prayer, and prevails, 1. For a promise of his presence with the people (v. 12-17). For a sight of his glory for himself (v. 18, etc.).

The Lord refuses to go with Israel. (1-6)
The tabernacle of Moses removed without the camp. (7-11)
Moses desires to see the glory of God. (12-23)

Photo of the Sinai Wilderness
Photo of the Sinai Wilderness

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Map of the Route of the Exodus
Map of the Possible Route of the Exodus (Click to Enlarge)

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the mount of God

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The Exodus of the Hebrews

Mount Horeb

The Red Sea

Map of the Red Sea
Map of the Red Sea and Egypt (Click to Enlarge)

The Old Testament


Exodus Resources

Moses and the Exodus
The Giving of the Law
The Tabernacle
The Wilderness Wanderings