Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Exodus 22:1 "If a man steals an ox or a sheep, and slaughters it or sells it, he shall pay five oxen for the ox and four sheep for the sheep.

< Exodus 21:36
Exodus 22:2 >

      Ex 22:1-31. LAWS CONCERNING THEFT.

      1-4. If a man shall steal an ox, or a sheep--The law respects the theft of cattle which constituted the chief part of their property. The penalty for the theft of a sheep which was slain or sold, was fourfold; for an ox fivefold, because of its greater utility in labor; but, should the stolen animal have been recovered alive, a double compensation was all that was required, because it was presumable he (the thief) was not a practised adept in dishonesty. A robber breaking into a house at midnight might, in self-defense, be slain with impunity; but if he was slain after sunrise, it would be considered murder, for it was not thought likely an assault would then be made upon the lives of the occupants. In every case where a thief could not make restitution, he was sold as a slave for the usual term.


Questions Related to this Verse

Where in Scripture does it Discuss Old Testament Laws about animals?

Where In Scripture Does It Talk About Stealing And Thieves?

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Exodus 22 Images and Notes

Brief Summary: The laws of this chapter relate, I. To the eighth commandment, concerning theft (v. 1-4), trespass by cattle (v. 5), damage by fire (v. 6), trusts (v. 7-13), borrowing cattle (v. 14, v. 15), or money (v. 25-27). II. To the seventh commandment. Against fornication (v. 16, v. 17), bestiality (v. 19). III. To the first table, forbidding witchcraft (v. 18), idolatry (v. 20). Commanding to offer the firstfruits (v. 29, v. 30). IV. To the poor (v. 21-24). V. To the civil government (v. 28). VI. To the peculiarity of the Jewish nation (v. 31).


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