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kirjath-arba Summary and Overview

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kirjath-arba in Easton's Bible Dictionary

city of Arba, the original name of Hebron (q.v.), so called from the name of its founder, one of the Anakim (Gen. 23:2; 35:27; Josh. 15:13). It was given to Caleb by Joshua as his portion. The Jews interpret the name as meaning "the city of the four", i.e., of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Adam, who were all, as they allege, buried there.

kirjath-arba in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(the city of Arba), an early name of the city which after the conquest is generally known as HEBRON. #Jos 14:15; Jud 1:10| The identity of Kirjath-arba with Hebron is constantly asserted. #Ge 23:2; 35:27; Jos 14:15; 15:13,54; 20:7; 21:11|

kirjath-arba in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

KIR'JATH-AR'BA (the city of Arba, Arba being its founder, or the city of four, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Adam having been buried there) is mentioned Gen 23:2; Gen 35:27; Josh 14:15; Acts 15:13, Josh 14:54; Num 20:6; Rev 21:11; Jud 1:10; Neh 11:25. See Hebron and Mamre. KIR'JATH-A'RIM Ezr 2:25. See Kirjath-Jearim.