Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

giah Summary and Overview

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giah in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(a waterfall), a place named only in #2Sa 2:24| to designate the position of the hill Ammah.

giah in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

GI'AH (a breaking forth; here, a waterfall), near the hill Arumah, 2 Sam 2:24. GI'ANT denotes men of extraordinary size or height. Gen 6:4. The sons of Anak are usually looked upon as giants, on account of the expression of which the spies made use -- that they were "as grasshoppers ... in their sight." Num 13:33. The fright of the Israelites makes it probable that they were referring to strength rather than stature. The king of Bashan, Deut 3:11, and Goliath, 1 Sam 17:4, were warlike and dreaded giants. See Rephaim.

giah in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

("valley".) 2 Samuel 2:24. Facing Ammah, "by the way of the wilderness of Gibeon."