Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

chilmad Summary and Overview

Bible Dictionaries at a GlanceBible Dictionaries at a Glance

chilmad in Easton's Bible Dictionary

a place or country unknown which, along with Sheba and Asshur, traded with Tyre (Ezek. 27:23).

chilmad in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(enclosure), a place or country mentioned in conjunction with Sheba and Asshur. #Eze 27:23|

chilmad in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

CHIL'MAD , a place or country, Eze 27:23; perhaps identical with Kalwadha, near Bagdad.

chilmad in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Named with Sheba and Asshur (Ezekiel 27:23). Ptolemy mentions a Gaala of Media, which compounded forms Chil-mad. The Chaldee version has "Media," others "Carmanda," a large city beyond the Euphrates (Xenophon).