Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

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Subjects with Bible Verses about:


ELISHA - Elijah instructed to anoint ELISHA

ELISHA - Called by Elijah ELISHA

ELISHA - Ministers unto Elijah ELISHA

ELISHA - Witnesses Elijah's transporting, receives a double portion of ELISHA

ELISHA - Mocked by the young men of Beth-el ELISHA

ELISHA - Causes the king to restore the property of the hospitable ELISHA

ELISHA - Instructs that Jehu be anointed as king of Israel ELISHA

ELISHA - Life of, sought by Jehoram ELISHA


ELISHA - Bones of, restore a dead man to life ELISHA

ELISHA - MIRACLES OF ELISHA - Divides the Jordan

ELISHA - MIRACLES OF ELISHA - Purifies the waters of Jericho by casting salt into the

ELISHA - MIRACLES OF ELISHA - Increases the oil of the woman whose sons were to be sold

ELISHA - MIRACLES OF ELISHA - Raises the son of the Shunammite woman from the dead

ELISHA - MIRACLES OF ELISHA - Neutralizes the poison of the stew

ELISHA - MIRACLES OF ELISHA - Increases the bread to feed one-hundred men

ELISHA - MIRACLES OF ELISHA - Heals Naaman the leper

ELISHA - MIRACLES OF ELISHA - Sends Naaman's leprosy upon Gehazi as a judgment

ELISHA - MIRACLES OF ELISHA - Recovers the ax that had fallen into a stream by causing it

ELISHA - MIRACLES OF ELISHA - Reveals the counsel of the king of Syria

ELISHA - MIRACLES OF ELISHA - Opens the eyes of his servant to see the hosts of the Lord

ELISHA - MIRACLES OF ELISHA - Brings blindness upon the army of Syria

ELISHA - PROPHECIES OF ELISHA - The birth of a son to the Shunammite woman

ELISHA - PROPHECIES OF ELISHA - Bounty to the starving people in Samaria

ELISHA - PROPHECIES OF ELISHA - The death of the unbelieving prince

ELISHA - PROPHECIES OF ELISHA - Seven years of famine in the land of Canaan

ELISHA - PROPHECIES OF ELISHA - The death of Ben-hadad, king of Syria

ELISHA - PROPHECIES OF ELISHA - Elevation of Hazael to the throne

ELISHA - PROPHECIES OF ELISHA - The victory of Jehoash over Syria