.php lang="en"> Introduction - Brief History of Jerusalem from David to Jesus to her Destruction in 70 AD (The Fall of Judah in 586 BC))

The Destruction of the Southern Kingdom of Judah



Introduction to the Fall of Judah


BKA 272 – Map of the Fall of Judah


Thank you for downloading BKA 272 – Map of the Fall of Judah. This Bible Knowledge Accelerator program contains a full-color map program of the Fall of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar II, with pop-up window descriptions. You can download more detailed studies concerning various topics by visiting Free Bible.


Brief History of Jerusalem from David to Jesus to her Destruction in 70 AD
David conquered the city of Jerusalem about 1046 BC and made it his capital. King David later fortified Jerusalem and enlarged it. Later David's son Solomon made the city of Jerusalem famous, he built beautiful buildings, including the temple.  Later in 886 BC Jerusalem was conquered by the Philistines and Arabians during the reign of Jehoram. Later in 826 BC the northern Israelites conquered Jerusalem during the reign of Amaziah. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquered the city of Jerusalem three times, in 607, 597 and 586 BC. During the last invasion in 586 BC on Av 9 the city of Jerusalem and the Temple was completely destroyed, as predicted by Jeremiah the prophet. Later in 538 BC Cyrus, King of the Persian Empire, ordered the rebuilding of Jerusalem. The rebuilding of Jerusalem was completed under King Artaxerxes I, who commissioned Ezra in 457 BC, and Nehemiah in 445 BC.  Later in 332 BC Jerusalem was captured by Alexander the Great, and after he died the Ptolemies and the Seleucids made the city wealthy and powerful. Then Antiochus Epiphanes conquered the city of Jerusalem in 170 BC and committed many atrocities against the Jews. As a result of his tyranny, the Jewish Maccabees rose up and made Jerusalem independent. This lasted until the city was captured by the Romans under Pompey in 63 BC. Soon after the Jerusalem temple was plundered by Crassus in 45 BC, and the city was plundered by the Parthians in 40 BC. Around that time Herod the Great took up his residence in Jerusalem being made king by the Romans. He restored the temple and beautified it making the Temple in Jerusalem a wonder of the world. When Herod died Jerusalem became under the control of the Roman procurators, who oversaw affairs from the fortress of Antonia. Jesus visited Jerusalem and the Temple several times in his life. Later in 70 AD Titus of Rome came and laid a terrible siege against Jersualem. The city withstood the siege for about 5 months until it completely fell in 70 AD and was completely destroyed.


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